Printable Educational Board Games for PreK-Grade 1 for ELA | “ABC and Friends: Thanksgiving Edition”

The holiday season is upon us, and just around the corner is Thanksgiving, the holiday of food, family and friends. Thanksgiving presents the perfect opportunity to think about ways you can get young children to collaborate and build their social learning skills.

This Thanksgiving, Kinems offers educational board games which will help young learners practice their foundational English Language Arts concepts like letter recognition and sounds.

Read more about how to play the ‘ABC and Friends’ game and download a free version for your students or kids. Have a great time matching uppercase-lowercase letters with their corresponding image!

ABC and Friends

This game offers a set of alphabet letters and corresponding Thanksgiving-themed objects that begin with the letter. These can be printed and used in multiple ways.

Matching Board Game

This is a self-correcting puzzle game. There are four letters to a page. You can cut up each page into 4 and then cut each of the puzzle pieces into the two pieces that match. There is a capital letter on the left side of the puzzle piece and a lower case letter on the right. Each puzzle has a graphic item that begins with the letter. For example, there is a picture of a turkey in the middle of the T puzzle piece.

  • Mix up the cut pieces and the child can match the pieces according to the graphic reinforcing the appropriate match.

  • Have them say the item and then the sound of the consonant or vowel that represents that image.

Thanksgiving Matching Board Game

Download ABC and Friends

Encouraging active learning of any kind, either it be cutting, gluing, jumping or balancing, is a great way to help kids build fine and gross motor skills. All the benefits that movement-based learning can bring in or beyond the classroom, make it a very important element of the holistic educational Whole Child Approach.

Whether you are looking for printable board games, touchless learning games to utilize in the classroom or remote learning from home, students can practice math and ELA by using their whole body. Kinems offers a wide range of 'Whole Child' activities that promote children's development of motor skills, enabling them to reach their full potential!


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