Welcome to Kinems Academy: A Go-To Teaching Resource and Learning Hub for Educators

We greatly value the feedback we receive from teachers, OTs and PTs and steadily offer them enriched teaching tools to deliver a personalized and motivating learning environment.

To continue helping educators in reaching solutions to their teaching needs, we created an accessible learning hub for them to integrate and design engaging learning sessions with our educational games on the spot – introducing Kinems Academy.

Kinems Academy is the go-to teaching resource guide that all educators, as well as OTs/PTs, can have on handy whenever they are preparing to conduct an interactive Math or ELA lesson utilizing our learning platform.

The teaching resource portal can cover several questions that educators may have in mind during the daily grind, such as: “What hands-on Math activity can I present today to help the class understand 2D shapes?” or “Which games can I use that can enhance my 2nd grader’s word building skills?"

Within the Kinems Academy homepage, teachers and/or therapists can easily type in the search bar which K-5 Math or ELA goal they’d like to teach. Once they hit the “search” button, a recommended list of Kinems learning games will automatically sync up based on the selected teaching goal.

Additional user-friendly features that Kinems users can experience on the portal include:

Ability to view which interactive games are aligned with K-5 common core state standards, as well as individual state-based educational standards

Have access to an extensive library that summarizes all of Kinems learning games, its concept, as well as the academic goals they tackle

Explore the settings each game offers and learn which elements can be adjusted by the instructor to create a customized learning session for each student

Discover key resources on everything the Kinems platform has to offer such as: on demand how-to videos showcasing platform features, testimonial videos, and research case studies

Connect with the Kinems support team via phone, email or live chat whenever assistance is needed

This learning hub is specially made with love and custom built for all platform users – whether you’re a teacher, an occupational therapist, or superintendent – to take some load of extra work off your shoulders as you’re preparing your lessons. We want you to have a full season pass with all the resources and content you may need on Kinems right at your fingertips.

Give our academy a whirl today and let us know how your experience has been!

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