The 10 Most Effective Counting Activities for Preschoolers
Understanding numbers and quantities is the basic foundation of Math. The best way for preschoolers to develop these understandings is through actually handling objects and counting them. Hands-on activities and games are always great ways to engage your students and allow them to learn in a stimulating environment.
Therefore, we created the following list with the most effective activities for each learning goal in order to help your students develop their math and counting skills:
1. Count to tell the Number of Objects
Count and pick the correct group of objects - up to 10 with Yeti Jump!
Count objects arranged in a circle - up to 10 with Over the Galaxy!
Count on "ten frames" - up to 10 with Over the Galaxy!
Count to tell the number of objects arranged in a dice with Over the Galaxy!
Count to tell the number of objects - Successive numbers with Yeti Jump!
2. Count to tell the Number of Objects and Number Identification
Identify the number that corresponds to a quantity (Number identification up to 12) with Tika Bubble.
3. Know Number Names and Symbols
Know number names and symbols up to 10 with U-Paint!
4. Know Number Names and the Count Sequence
Count objects on a “circle” arrangement - up to 5 with Over the Galaxy!
Count objects on a “dice” arrangement - up to 5 with Over the Galaxy!
Count on "ten frames" - up to 5 with Over the Galaxy!
All these activities are specifically designed to meet preschoolers’ learning needs and, along with the teachers’ guidance, these games can help them reach their learning goals.
Explore more activities for different learning goals!